Pregnancy Yoga


When my husband and I found out we are expecting a little baby I was excited, and as much scared and terrified. My husband shared a little tear of happiness at the airport in Milan, where I took a test. Then in my head I was wondering what to do next? As a result I couldn’t stop worrying, I couldn’t control it. We were planning to have a family, but thinking about it and actually finding out it is happening were two different things.

At the beginning I felt overwhelmed. Thanks to yoga I survived the early pregnancy symptoms, for instance never ending morning sickness. Why are they called ‘morning’ if they last all day and night? Besides, while practicing yoga I was forced to control my breath and movement, it definitely helped me during labour.

Practice positive visualization and feel happy
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
Listen to your body & choose whole foods


Pregnancy yoga class consists of a variety of asanas that will benefit you and your baby. Happy mama, happy baby. The main purpose of practicing yoga during this magical time is to connect to your body and mind through breath and movement. Most importantly, this is an amazing opportunity for you to develop an early connection between you, and your baby, called pre-parenting.

You can start as early as you like, normally ladies join at 12 weeks and stay until the end, some mothers-to-be are coming even after the due day. The classes are safe at any stage, they consist of full body stretch and relaxation.

What’s more, the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed. If you like to take a break during the practice, go to the loo, have a snack, or chew on a heartburn medicine, you are free to do so. There is no judgement. Do what feels right, and listen to your own body.

Welcome to the community, that will support you in your journely

MAIN BENEFITS OF YOGA IN PREGNANCY from one mum to the another

  • STRESS MANAGEMENT. Yoga is brilliant for helping reduce stress and anxiety, this is very important especially for expectant mothers. Focusing on movement and breath activates the nervous system and blocks release of cortisol, which is associated with depression. 
  • THE HAPPY HORMONE. Slowing down and reducing stress helps your nervous system rest and promotes hormonal balance in your body. Ultimately it will help you enjoy the journey of pregnancy.
  • GET YOUR BLOOD FLOWING. Practising yoga increases blood flow to your heart. This way your baby gets more oxygen-rich blood, which promotes her or his development.
  • STAY FIT! Staying active in pregnancy until the due day is extremely important. The more active and fit you are, the easier it will be for you to cope with your changing body and gaining weight, as well as getting back into shape after the baby is born.
  • BE READY FOR THE BIG DAY. Taking part in prenatal yoga classes will bust your confidence in the strength of your own body, and teach you how to relax. REMEMBER, YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR OWN BODY, AND YOUR OWN BREATH. Together, we will focus not only on practising breath to reduce pain during pregnancy and labour, but also on building your muscles, and toning your body. 
  • BE PART OF THE COMMUNITY. Yoga classes for mothers-to-be are designed to connect to other mums. To have a support system before and after giving birth. Staying in touch will help you cope with your new reality. Unfortunately when you become a first time mum you have to learn as you go along, so to have a bunch of other girls only one phone call away is very calming and comforting. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!